miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013


THE CHRISTMAS TREE school project was an initiative of a number of teachers of the different foreign languages studied at the school. Lots of students had the opportunity to hang their drawings and messages, consisting of personal wishes and lines taken from the lyrics of famous Christmas carols.

A group of students of 2º ESO collaborated on THE CHRISTMAS TREE school project by stating in writing which aspects of Christmas they loved the most. They provided some pieces of beautiful artwork, and here are some examples:
By Paula Alcaraz (2ºC), Mercedes García (2ºB) and María Conejo (2ºC)

By Saúl Soto, Thalía Postigo and Ángela Pedraza (2ºB)

By Rafael Díaz (2ºB), Isabel Romero (2ºC) and Paloma Cano (2ºB)

By Victoria Lertau and Rosa Campos (2ºC)

By Carlos Michelena (2ºD) and Ana Belén Gadella (2ºB)

//   Laura González, Carolina Rodríguez, Beatriz Pedraza, Daniel Fernández, Guillermo Accino (2ºB), Imane Benisa (2ºC), Elena Cabrera, Patricia Peguero, Malena Monedero, Manuel Rueda, Francesca White, Juan Francisco Medina, Rachid Mhaissar, Andrés Enríquez (2ºD), Raúl García, María Barranco, Ana Trascastro, Juan Marcos Requena, Lucía Pérez and Paula Sánchez (1ºA) also collaborated. Thank you very much to all of them!!!  //