lunes, 14 de enero de 2013


El lunes 14 de enero de 2013 un grupo de 22 alumnos de 4º de ESO se desplazaron en el tren de cercanías al Aeropuerto de Málaga, acompañados por Dª Carmen y D. Carlos, para realizar la visita proyectada desde el principio del curso. Acogiéndose al Programa 'Skygate', que propicia visitas escolares guiadas en Inglés, a las 10:00 de la mañana de ese día fueron recibidos en el mostrador de información de Aena en la Terminal 3 por la monitora Elin (Green Jacket), quien los fue guiando por todas las instalaciones y a lo largo de dos horas les fue explicando todos los pasos que debe realizar cualquier pasajero de un vuelo: mostrador de facturación (Check-in), control de seguridad (Security Control), Zona de espera y Comercial (Shopping Area), puerta de embarque (Boarding Gate), Pasarela (Finger), sala de recogida de equipajes (Baggage Claim), Intercambiador (Transport Hub). Con el material didáctico facilitado por  Aena, se preparó previamente la visita en las clases, y después de realizada la visita, los alumnos completaron la ficha de seguimiento, para lo cual tuvieron que localizar los datos que figuraban en los pasajes de avión y las tarjetas de embarque simuladas que les fueron entregados durante la visita.

Fue una mañana muy agradable, y además, el grupo tuvo un comportamiento exquisito, lo cual fue destacado por el personal responsable de la organización de la visita.

8 comentarios:

Marta Luque 4ºA dijo...

I think the visit of the airport was so interesting.In my opinion these activities are very useful, because we can listen English in a more entertainment way. I'm looking foward for going to Gibraltar, I'm sure that the experience of going to Gibraltar will be as nice as going to the airport.

Anónimo dijo...

In my opinion the visit to the airport was a great way to practice the english that we learn in our lessons. I think Elin (the green jacket) explained the visit very well and the most understood her. Also we learnd new things about airport.

Beatriz de Sola 4°A

Unknown dijo...

In my opinion visiting the airport has been a very interesting visit. I think that this visit help us to know better how the airport works, and also for practing more English.

Delia Prieto Latorre 4ºA

Anónimo dijo...

I think that our visit to the airport was very interesting and important because all the information that we get will be used for our next trip,also the visit was funny we were jokibg,doing the photos and many more things.Now I know a lot of the things about the trips,the planes...etz, and I will never lose in the airport.

Yulia Lisovik 4A

Anónimo dijo...

I think that a visit to the airport has served me a lot. I am sure that it is a good way to practice and improve English without going abroad. I would like to have more trips like this because I have learned many interesting things about the airport and I can safely say that the next time I will go away I will not ever get lost in the airport .

Anastasia Lisovyk 4A

Unknown dijo...

In my opinion the visit to the airport was a very pleasant and useful experience because I realized that I could understand what the Green Jacket was explaining in English. I liked the organization of the visit. I think that these activities help us to improve our English.

Prof. CARLOS dijo...

Five more students handed out pieces of paper with their opinions in handwriting. Here they are:

1. In my opinion, the trip to the airport was a very good idea to practise English. I liked it.
(Lorena Rodríguez)

2. Last Monday my classmates and I went to visit the airport. I enjoyed the visit very much. An employed worker from the airport (the Green Jacket) explained a lot of things to us. I learned a lot and some things were really surprising. I believe that everybody should visit the airport.
(Marta Puertas)

3. I don´t think that the work of a Green Jacket is easy. Showing people around is a way to save them from getting lost in an airport. I don´t like the airport staff to use birds of prey for scaring (or killing) small birds. I don´t agree with that.
(Sanaa Boudoukhan)

4. I think that the visit to the airport was very interesting, because we learned more English with the Green Jacket. She spoke English all the time, and we made some questions in English only.
(Marina Rengel)

5. In my opinion the excursion went very well because it was very interesting. I had a problem because I don´t understand well. The Green Jacket was very kind, and we learnt many things with her.
(Paula Pérez)
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As for the rest of the students in 4º A (the non-bilingual group), they have got a negative mark ( - ) now, for having failed to do their online/offline homework on the subject 'Expressions of opinion'. They are:
- Ángel Bueno
- Enrique Lorca
- Paula Pino
- Elisabet Vargas

Prof. CARLOS dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.