jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Halloween Quiz for 1º& 2ºESO students

1.What is the origin of Halloween?
2.When is it celebrated?
3.What was Samhain?
4.Why do American people celebrate Halloween?
5.What is the meaning of The word "Halloween"?
6.What did the celts do in Ancient times?
7.What is a Jack o´lantern?
8.What is the children´s traditional question at the door?
9.What do people give to children?
10.What are children wearing on Halloween´s Day?

1 comentario:

Geneva Jones dijo...


My name´s Geneva Jones, I´m in the first course. My answers to these questions are:

1.- The origin of it is more than 3000 years ago when the Celts were celebrating the end of the year.

2.- It is celebrated on October the 31st (north hemisphere) and May the 1st (south hemisphere).

3.- Samhain is a Celtic origin pagan festivity and it means
"summer end".

4.- Thanks to the European immigration, especially of catholic Irishes in 1846 to U.S.A.

5.- It means "The Witches´ Day".

6.- They were leaving food as offering in the altars or in the entry of the doors for "the onlookers dead men".The Celts were dressing with heads and skins of animals whereas the Druids realized sacrifices of animals with fire. They were storing provisions for the winter. They were leaving food and sweets out of his houses and were igniting candles to help to the souls of the dead men to find the way towards the light and to rest together with the God Sun, in the Summers Earths.

Before I said that the Celts were placing some food as offerings to his Gods... Rituals that, possibly too, were including some human sacrifices and for them they were preparing a great hollow turnip with carbones ignited inside, representing to the spirit that they believed that it was granting them to be powerful.

7.- It´s a gourd carved by hand. They baptized the gourd as "Jack, the one who lives in the lamp" because of his legend.

8.- The question is: "Trick or Treat?"

9.- Sweets

10.- They disguise themselves.

Thank you and Happy Halloween!!