martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011


Los profesores de Inglés Dª Carmen, Dª Isabel y D. Carlos han colgado los carteles en el pasillo de acceso a las aulas, donde permanecerán expuestos hasta el final del año. La deliberación tuvo lugar el lunes día 5, y los carteles premiados se reproducen a continuación. Sus autores se repartirán las tazas, carpetas, agendas, bolígrafos y cintas que la editorial Burlington ha donado como premios, junto con algunas lecturas graduadas que cederá el Departamento, y que se les darán en la ceremonia de entrega de premios que organiza el D.A.C.E. hacia el final del trimestre. En su momento subiremos a este blog las fotografías correspondientes.

1er premio: OPEN THE WINDOW TO CHRISTMAS - Rosa Roldán, Pablo Torres (1ºC) y María Lentisco (1ºB)
2º premio: CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND - Andrea González y Silvia Muñoz (1ºB)

3er premio: THAT'S THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS COMING HOME - María Ortiz, Paloma Soto y Alba Marina Hernáez (1ºA)

1er premio: CHRISTMAS WISHES - Anastasia y Yulia Lisovyk, Anahí Lamas (3ºB) y Rocío Garido (3ºC)
2º premio: THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT - Raúl Montiel, Javier Villegas y Javier Montoro (4ºB)

3er premio: CHRISTMAS IS NOTHING WITHOUT US - Kaoutar Kechaf, Maitane Pérez y Alba Sánchez (4ºB)
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The students in 4ºA decided not to participate in the competition, as they were too busy with their studies and exams, but all of them wrote their essays with 'Christmas' as the general topic. I have corrected their writing and selected the fragments which are included here.
This is how young people like you can express their OPINIONS ABOUT CHRISTMAS:

This time of the year makes me feel happy because I remember that when I was younger I used to live Christmas in great excitement, as ‘the Three Magic Kings’ were going to bring me my favourite toys – and also Santa Claus would bring me a little present before. Before those special nights I used to spend a lot of time tidying up my room and preparing cakes for them…   
(Sofía Fernández)

Christmas is beautiful because you see people of your family that you haven´t seen for a long time. For instance, my uncle who lives in Barcelona. My grandmother is too traditional and she gives me money to buy something. I sing carols with my family and we eat many chocolates and sweets. I also like Christmas time because I love to see the illusion in the face of my little sister when Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men come home.               
(Paula Llorente)

In my opinion, Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year. Families gather and share the last days of the year together. Tasty meals are prepared, people receive gifts and sing carols, the Christmas ornaments are set… in general  all is joy and peace. In Spain we have the day of ‘Santos Inocentes’ on the 28th December, when we play jokes on our family and friends, but the best day is ‘Nochevieja’ (New Year’s Eve), when you have dinner with your family and then… party!!!
(Rocío Blanca)

Children like Christmas because they receive a lot of  presents, meet their families and friends, write letters to the Three Wise Men (in some places only), and there are vacations, chocolates, illusions, surprises, lights…
But, for many people, it is very sad because some dear person died a short time ago, or it is the date of the death of a special someone…
(Mariola Sánchez)

It is a Christian celebration. They celebrate the birth of Jesus and, especially in Spain, people put ‘el Belén’, which is a Nativity scene with all the popular figures on it. In Anglo-Saxon tradition, they usually decorate a ‘Christmas tree’. But I’m Jewish, so the important celebration for me is called ‘Januca’. The januca is a special candelabrum with nine candles to be lit, and we receive presents too. I like Christmas, it’s interesting and I respect it, but for me it is more beautiful to celebrate Januca.
(Sara Abecasis)

There are many nice elements and a lot of fun: the thrill, the presents, the Christmas lights and songs, the family meals… The most beautiful moment for me is December 25 in the morning. All the family are going to my grandparents’ house to open the presents which ‘Father Christmas’ has left. The living room is amazing. It is full of surprises, especially for children, and then we eat the special ‘canelones’ that my grandmother cooks for the ocassion.
Sincerely, I consider myself very fortunate to be able to celebrate such beautiful Christmas with my family.
(Javier Medianero)

I love the happiness atmosphere which is typical at Christmas. It’s the time when families can eat and be together, something that is more and more difficult nowadays. Christmas holidays are shorter than summer holidays, but they are more special in my opinion. I like the traditional things that you can do at Christmas, like sending cards, singing carols with your friends or decorating your house (though sending cards has been replaced by writing e-mails!).
(María López)

Christmas’ Eve is more familiar, and I like to stay with many people in the important days. But in New Year’s Eve, after eating the twelve lucky grapes, everybody goes out to parties. That’s why I prefer New Year’s Eve, because I have dinner with my family but then I go to a party with my friends.
(Ana Martínez)

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